• Acronym:
  • Call Id:
    11th ERA-NET BIOENERGY Joint Call, współfinansowany przez NCBR
  • Project No:
  • Coordinator:
    Graz University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Graz, Austria
  • Duration:
    2018-04-01 - 2021-03-31


  1. Graz University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Graz | Austria
  2. BIOENERGY2020+ GmbH, Graz | Austria
  3. SynCraft Engineering GmbH, Innsbruck | Austria
  4. Hargassner GmbH, Wenig im Innkreis | Austria
  5. Institute of Power Engineering, Warszawa | Poland
  6. MTF Modern Technologies and Filtration Sp.zo.o., Warszawa | Poland
  7. RISE Research Institute of Sweden, Energy and Circular Economy, Borås | Sweden
  8. Cortus Energy AB, Kista | Sweden
