On the 12-15th of December 2017 the European Fuel Cell Technology Conference [&] Applications - Piero Lunghi Conference took place in Naples. During this event results of works carried out at IEn's Department of High-Temperature Electrochemistry Processes (CPE) were presented as a part of PRELUDIUM NCN project and statutory works CPE/1/STAT/17 and CPC/36/STAT/16. The conference was attended by Konrad Motyliński from CPE Department.

On the 12-15th of December 2017 the European Fuel Cell Technology Conference [&] Applications - Piero Lunghi Conference took place in Naples. During this event results of works carried out at IEn's Department of High-Temperature Electrochemistry Processes (CPE) were presented as a part of PRELUDIUM NCN project and statutory works CPE/1/STAT/17 and CPC/36/STAT/16. The conference was attended by Konrad Motyliński from CPE Department.

Motylinski K., Skrzypkiewicz M., Naumovich Y., Wierzbicki M., Kupecki J., Experimental study of the carbon deposition on the anode of AS-SOFC under varied fuel velocity, European Fuel Cell Technology [&] Applications Conference - Piero Lunghi Conference, Naples, Italy, 12-15 XII 2017

Kupecki J., Motylinski K., Blesznowski M., Papurello D., Lanzini A., Santarelli M., The numerical model for predictive simulation of the AS-SOFC stack operated in DIR-SOFC mode with presence of hydrogen sulphide in the feeding gas, European Fuel Cell Technology [&] Applications Conference - Piero Lunghi Conference, Naples, Italy, 12-15 XII 2017

Kupecki J., Szablowski L., Motylinski K., Zurawska A., Naumovich Y., Szczesniak A., Milewski J., Experimental study of fuel recirculation in solid oxide fuel cell integrated with water removal unit, European Fuel Cell Technology [&] Applications Conference - Piero Lunghi Conference, Naples, Italy, 12-15 XII 2017