During the 15th International Symposium on Fast Ion Transport Systems - ISSFIT15 conference held in Dubrovnik (April, 18-22) Prof. Yevgeniy Naumovich, PhD, an employee of the Department of High-Temperature Electrochemical Processes, gave the presentation „Electrical Conductivity Relaxation: Evaluation of Oxygen-Ionic Transport in Mixed-Conducting Electrode Materials”.

During the 15th International Symposium on Fast Ion Transport Systems - ISSFIT15 conference held in Dubrovnik (April, 18-22) Prof. Yevgeniy Naumovich, PhD, an employee of the Department of High-Temperature Electrochemical Processes, gave the presentation „Electrical Conductivity Relaxation: Evaluation of Oxygen-Ionic Transport in Mixed-Conducting Electrode Materials”. The research collected in the presentation is carried out at The Institute of Power Engineering in cooperation with the AGH University in Krakow as part of the project „A new generation of air electrodes based on copper compounds for solid oxide fuel cells and high-temperature electrolysers” funded by the National Science Centre (UMO-2020/37/B/ST8/02097).

The ISSFIT conference is a renowned event held every two or three years, gathering scientists and researchers from all over the world developing new materials for applications, e.g. in solid oxide cells or batteries, deepening knowledge in the field of physics and electrochemistry of solids. The conference was an excellent opportunity to discuss the results, networking and discuss potential directions of cooperation.

More information about the conference: https://www.issfit15.org/