Director of the Institute of Power Engineering Tomasz Gałka (PhD) and Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Warsaw University of Technology prof Rajmund Bacewicz signed the intention letter of cooperation between IEn and the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

Director of the Institute of Power Engineering Tomasz Gałka (PhD) and Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Warsaw University of Technology prof Rajmund Bacewicz signed the intention letter of cooperation between IEn and the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering.

Both Parties, having in mind their existing cooperation and common goals in enhancing the operational safety of technical devices, declare their willingness to cooperate in the implementation of new research techniques, technical services and work for industrial partners. In addition, they express the desire to jointly apply for and implement R [&] D application projects. Cooperation should contribute to the commercialization effects of joint scientific research for the benefit of the Polish economy.

The agreement was signed on the 13th of July 2017 in Warsaw.