On 27-28th of February 2019 in Wels, Austria as part of the World Sustainable Energy Days there was held the international conference entitled European Pellet Conference. Paweł Bocian (PhD, Department of Thermal Processes) delivered his presentation entitled Burner design for difficult pulverized biomass fuels, presenting results of BIOFLEX project.

tl_files/zdjecia/Aktualnosci 2019/2019-03-21 Konferencja w Wels w Austrii/energy_days_2019_139_8975-1.jpgOn 27-28th of February 2019 in Wels, Austria as part of the World Sustainable Energy Days there was held the international conference entitled European Pellet Conference. Paweł Bocian (PhD, Department of Thermal Processes) delivered his presentation entitled Burner design for difficult pulverized biomass fuels. It was held during the panel session entitled Solutions for the combustion of challenging biomass fuels dedicated to results and summary of research project Era-Net Bioenergy - Clean and flexible use of new difficult biomass fuels in small to medium-scale combustion – BIOFLEX.

Over 660 experts from 60 countries took part in the three days of the World Sustainable Energy Days in Austria. The next event from this cycle will take place next year on the 4-5th of March also in Wels, Austria.