Marcin Lizer, a researcher from the Electric Power Engineering Automation Laboratory, was granted a doctoral degree in technical sciences. Public defense of his dissertation titled " "Impedance backup protection of power generation units during external disturbances" was held on the 10th of May 2017 in the Institute of Power Engineering in Warsaw. The supervisor of the work was Prof. Zbigniew Lubosny (Gdansk University of Technology), and reviewers Prof. Désiré Dauphin Rasolomampionon (Warsaw University of Technology) and Prof. Eugeniusz Rosolowski (Wroclaw University of Technology).

Marcin Lizer, a researcher from the Electric Power Engineering Automation Laboratory, was granted a doctoral degree in technical sciences. Public defense of his dissertation titled " "Impedance backup protection of power generation units during external disturbances" was held on the 10th of May 2017 in the Institute of Power Engineering in Warsaw. The supervisor of the work was Prof. Zbigniew Lubosny (Gdansk University of Technology), and reviewers Prof. Désiré Dauphin Rasolomampionon (Warsaw University of Technology) and Prof. Eugeniusz Rosolowski (Wroclaw University of Technology).

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