The meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Power Engineering for the 2022-2025 term was held on 25th October 2022. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment - Secretary of State and Government Plenipotentiary for RES, Ireneusz Zyska, and the Undersecretary of State and Chief National Geologist, Piotr Dziadzio. The Ministers presented information on the current challenges in the energy sector, development directions and plans of the government administration, in the implementation of which the Institute of Power Engineering will participate.

The meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Power Engineering for the 2022-2025 term was held on 25th October 2022. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment - Secretary of State and Government Plenipotentiary for RES, Ireneusz Zyska, and the Undersecretary of State and Chief National Geologist, Piotr Dziadzio. The Ministers presented information on the current challenges in the energy sector, development directions and plans of the government administration, in the implementation of which the Institute of Power Engineering will participate.

During the meeting, thanks were given to the outgoing Directors of the Institute of Power Engineering, and the new management, after self-presentation, presented the vision of the development and operation of IEn as well as the current state of achievements, R[&]D work and employment structure of the Institute. The minutes from the previous meeting of the Scientific Council on 28th April 2022 were adopted. Information on the results of the by-elections was also transferred to the Scientific Council. The new members of the Council are Dr. Hab. Eng. Tomasz Gałka, prof. IEn and MSc. Magdalena Kosiorek. J. The candidacy of Dr. Eng. Marek Skrzypkiewicz to the position of the Head of the Department of High Temperature Electrochemical Processes (CPE), who will replace prof. Jakub Kupecki, who was the founder and manager of the CPE Department in 2017-2022.