In the magazine Archives of Metallurgy and Materials there was published the article entitled: Multiscale approach for modeling fracture in piezoelectric ceramics, co-authored by Magdalena Gromada (PhD), IEn's Ceramic Branch CEREL in Boguchwala, near Rzeszow.

In the magazine Archives of Metallurgy and Materials there was published the article entitled: Multiscale approach for modeling fracture in piezoelectric ceramics, co-authored by Magdalena Gromada (PhD), IEn's Ceramic Branch CEREL in Boguchwala, near Rzeszow.

The barium titanate material is the most intensively studied perovskite material due to its wide use in the ceramic industry. Barium titanate is also technologically important material owing to its ferroelectric behaviour at and above room temperature. The paper presents an effective implementation of boundary element multiscale method in analyzing of fracture of piezoelectric ceramics. This method can be easily used to get a better understanding of damage mechanism in the ceramic materials in order to improve the constitutive models and to support the future design of those materials. In this method the relation of boundary element method for obtaining traction is presented. The main advantage of boundary element method is the reduction of the di-mensionality of the problem. Boundary element method becomes very attractive in cases of numerically complex problems that are computationally expensive.

Biglar M., Stachowicz F., Trzepieciński T., Gromada M., Multiscale approach for modeling fracture in piezoelectric ceramics, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2018, 63, 1, 19-28