In 4/2022 issue of the Scientific and Technical Quarterly Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnostics, a reviewed article entitled Determination of the degree of exhaustion of the structure and mechanical properties of selected elements of the main steam pipelines of power units co-authored by Dariusz Mężyk was published.

In 4/2022 issue of the Scientific and Technical Quarterly Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnostics, a reviewed article entitled Determination of the degree of exhaustion of the structure and mechanical properties of selected elements of the main steam pipelines of power units co-authored by Dariusz Mężyk was published.

On October 17-20, 2022, the 49th National Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, organized by Polish Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics SIMP Szczecin Branch, was held in Kołobrzeg, gathering specialists representing science, industry, suppliers and manufacturers providing modern technologies and equipment, as well as technical supervision societies dealing with quality issues in the field of supervision of devices throughout the entire life cycle. During the Conference, a paper by Dariusz Mężyk entitled Determination of the degree of exhaustion of the structure and mechanical properties of selected elements of the main steam pipelines of power units was presented, developing the subject of the published article. A wide range of issues for assessing the safety and reliability of equipment and structures is traditionally the subject of annual National Conference on Non-Destructive Testing meetings.