The manuscript co-authored by Marek Skrzypkiewicz and Jakub Kupecki from HiTEP "Analysis of H2S-related short-term degradation and regeneration of anode and electrolyte supported solid oxide fuel cells fueled with biomass steam gasifier product gas" was published in Energy (Pongratz, Subotić, Schroettner, Hochenauer, Skrzypkiewicz, Kupecki, Anca-Couce, Scharler). The publication discusses the possibility of regenerating SOFCs which were affected by the presence of H2S in producer gas from biomass gasifier. Two types of SOFC were studied, including anode supported SOFC produced at IEn.

The manuscript co-authored by Marek Skrzypkiewicz and Jakub Kupecki from HiTEP "Analysis of H2S-related short-term degradation and regeneration of anode- and electrolyte supported solid oxide fuel cells fueled with biomass steam gasifier product gas" was published in Energy (Pongratz, Subotić, Schroettner, Hochenauer, Skrzypkiewicz, Kupecki, Anca-Couce, Scharler). The publication discusses the possibility of regenerating SOFCs which were affected by the presence of H2S in producer gas from biomass gasifier. Two types of SOFC were studied, including anode supported SOFC produced at IEn.

Complete paper here:

Pongratz G., Subotić V., Schroettner H., Hochenauer C., Skrzypkiewicz M., Kupecki J., Anca-Couce A., Scharler R., Analysis of H2S-related short-term degradation and regeneration of anode- and electrolyte supported solid oxide fuel cells fueled with biomass steam gasifier product gas, Energy, 2021;218:119556