Marcin Błesznowski, PhD Eng., assistant professor at the Department of High-Temperature Electrochemical Processes of the Institute of Power Engineering, received a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists with significant achievements in scientific activity.

Marcin Błesznowski, PhD Eng., assistant professor at the Department of High-Temperature Electrochemical Processes of the Institute of Power Engineering, received a scholarship from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists with significant achievements in scientific activity.

This year's edition of the competition received 1 828 applications and scholarships were awarded to 230 people, including 37 PhD students. The advisory team assessed the quality of scientific publications, taking up important topics and the social impact of scientific achievements and activities. Scholarships were awarded to young scientists in 51 scientific and artistic disciplines. Marcin Błesznowski received a scholarship in the field of engineering and technical sciences/environmental engineering, mining and energy.

Marcin Błesznowski is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology and a representative of the Institute of Power Engineering in the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) in the field of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies.

Associated with the subject of solid oxide electrochemical cells for over 15 years. Author/co-author of several dozen expert opinions and studies for the industry. In the scope of projects, as a team member or project manager, he carried out research on numerical modelling (NCN, NCBR, 6FP, 7FP), experimental campaigns (NCBR, H2020, ERA-NET) and application issues in the field of stack and installations with SOFC cells (NCBR, MNiSW). As part of the consortium (CBRF, ENERGA, IEN), he managed the work of the Institute of Power Engineering, which was aimed at developing a cogeneration installation with SOFC cells on a MW scale (NCBR project "Heating plant of the future").

Marcin Błesznowski is the author and co-author of many articles and conference speeches. Winner of the Siemens award and scholarships for R+D activities: DAAD, scholarship for PhD students from Mazovia, BRISK2. Since 2017, he has been involved in work aimed at assessing the potential and implementing the concept of hydrogen economy in Poland (NFOŚiGW, Sectoral Agreement for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy in Poland).