In August 2018 IFSA Publishing issued a monograph entitled Advances in Signal Processing: Reviews. The book includes a chapter Selection of Diagnostic Symptoms for Technical Condition Assessment and Prognosis, written by Tomasz Gałka (PhD), director of the Institute of Power Engineering.

In August 2018 IFSA Publishing issued a monograph entitled Advances in Signal Processing: Reviews. The book includes a chapter Selection of Diagnostic Symptoms for Technical Condition Assessment and Prognosis, written by Tomasz Gałka (PhD), director of the Institute of Power Engineering.

The chapter describes methods of experimental selection of diagnostic symptoms for the assessment and prognosis of the technical condition of complex diagnostic objects. The aim of this selection is to choose the most informative and sensitive symptoms for condition parameters. The method based on distribution relative to a specific value (SVD) and the method using information content measures (continuous entropy) are presented. Measurement data processing procedures necessary to obtain reliable results were described. There were also given examples of selection for vibration symptoms of flow systems of steam turbines.

Gałka T., Selection of Diagnostic Symptoms for Technical Condition Assessment and Prognosis, chapter in Advances in Signal Processing: Reviews, ed. Yurish S.Y., Barcelona, 2018, IFSA Publishing, ISBN 978-84-09-04329-3, p. 369 - 386