On the 5-6 th of June 2018 Summer Strategy Meeting of the European Energy Research Alliance EERA Executive Committee took place in Dubiecko near Rzeszów. The Institute of Power Engineering was the host of the meeting that was organized jointly with the EERA Secretariat.

On the 5-6 th of June 2018 Summer Strategy Meeting of the European Energy Research Alliance EERA Executive Committee took place in Dubiecko near Rzeszów. The Institute of Power Engineering was the host of the meeting that was organized jointly with the EERA Secretariat.

The meeting was attended by over 40 people representing the main energy research centers from 15 European countries: VITO (Belgium), CVREZ, IPP CAS (Czech Republic), DTU (Denmark), CIEMAT, PSA (Spain), TU Delft, ECN (the Netherlands), VTT (Finland), CEA (France), VITO, LEI (Lithuania), Helmholtz (Germany), SINTEF, NTNU (Norway), LNEG (Portugal), EPFL (Switzerland), UK ERC (United Kingdom), RSE (Italy) and IMP and IEn (Poland).

The subject of the discussion was, among others, the role of EERA in the development of research and implementation activities in the area of energy in Europe, in particular the possibility of increasing activity in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and preparing EERA for the new Horizon Europe framework program.