In the April issue of „Energetyka” magazine, there was pubished the first issue of this year's bulletin "Research works of the Institute of Power Engineering". The bulletin contains two articles written by researchers from the Institute (IEn).

In the April issue of „Energetyka” magazine, there was pubished the first issue of this year's bulletin "Research works of the Institute of Power Engineering". The bulletin contains two articles written by researchers from the Institute (IEn).

The first article entitled Material research for energy in the light of EU program documents and European initiatives, was preapred by Maria Kaska, Andrzej Sławiński (PhD) and Aneta Świercz (PhD). It presents the analysis of research directions in the field of advanced materials for energy applications in the perspective of the next years - up to 2020 and 2050 in the light of program documents and European initiatives.

The second one: The impact of electric bus cycle of the public transport bus on the work of power battery was written by Marcin Biernacki and Przemysław Majewski (PhD) and is devoted to road tests used, among others, for research on newly designed drive systems of city buses.

Energetyka, Problemy Energetyki i Gospodarki Paliwowo-Energetycznej (ISSN 0013-7294)

Prace Instytutu Energetyki – Instytutu Badawczego nr 1/2019:

Kaska M., Sławiński A., Świercz A., Badania materiałowe dla energetyki w świetle dokumentów programowych UE i inicjatyw europejskich, Energetyka 4/2019, 277-294

Biernacki M., Majewski P., Wpływ cyklu ruchu elektrycznego autobusu komunikacji miejskiej na pracę akumulatora zasilającego, Energetyka 4/2019, 294-299