The Institute of Power Engineering was elected to the Executive Committee of European Energy Research Alliance EERA for another two-year term. The composition of the new EERA Executive Committee was approved at EERA General Assembly on the 3rd of May 2017 in Brussels.

The Institute of Power Engineering was elected to the Executive Committee of European Energy Research Alliance EERA for another two-year term. The composition of the new EERA Executive Committee was approved at EERA General Assembly on the 3rd of May 2017 in Brussels.

The Executive Committee is the main governing body of EERA. It provides guidance to the Alliance, takes the decisions on its functioning and approves new Joint Programmes. It also supports the implementation of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan). The Executive Committee is supported by the Personal Representatives and the EERA secretariat. The Personal Representatives meet prior to the Executive Committee meetings to prepare these.

The Institute of Power Engineering has been a member of EERA Executive Committee continuously since 2009. The newly elected Executive Committee comprises of 15 largest research institutions in the field of energy in Europe (one from each country). Apart from the Institute of Power Engineering, the Executive Committee is composed of AIT (Austra), BERA (Belgium), CEA (France), CIEMAT (Spain), CVREZ (Czech Republic), DTU (Denmark), ENEA (Italy), EPFL (Switzerland), Helmoltz Assciation LNEG (Portugal), NERA (Netherlands), SINTEF (Norway), UKERC (UK), VTT (Finland).

During the first meeting of the newly elected Committee, there were elected its new governors, Nils Rokke (SINTEF) - chairman and Brigitte Bach (AIT) - vice-chair.