An article entitled The method of heat measurement in overheated steam and its implementation in the measuring system, co-authored by employees of the Institute of Power Engineering: Jacek Karczewski (OTC Łódź), Jolanta Sadura (DZC), Maciej Owsiński (DZC), was published in the Instal magazine.

An article entitled The method of heat measurement in overheated steam and its implementation in the measuring system, co-authored by employees of the Institute of Power Engineering: Jacek Karczewski (OTC Łódź), Jolanta Sadura (DZC), Maciej Owsiński (DZC), was published in the Instal magazine.

The article presents a method of measuring heat in overheated steam for the needs of contract between the supplier and the recipient. The legal provisions governing such contracts were presented. The description of physical phenomena occurring during the flow of saturated and superheated steam in heating installations and the principle of heat measurement in the working medium are given. The algorithm for calculating the heat meter was developed on the basis of the measurement system model. Guidelines for the design of the measurement system are given and its various configurations for several measurement variants and calculation of steam parameters are discussed.

The work, the result of which is this article, was carried out at the Institute of Power Engineering in 2020-2021, as part of the research topic financed from statutory funds: "Development of a method for measuring heat in overheated steam together with a modern computer measuring system".

Lipiński G., Wawszczak A., Karczewski J., Owsiński M., Sadura J., The method of heat measurement in overheated steam and its implementation in the measuring system, INSTAL 10 (444)/2022 ISSN 1640 – 8160 str. 6-10