On 23-24 of January 2020 the last meeting summarizing VULKANO project took place in Celje, Slovenia. The meeting was hosted by partners from Slovenia - BOSIO and VALJI. Participants of the meeting presented results of all activities planned for over 3 years of the project. Activities of the Institute of Power Engineering were discussed in details by the team performing tasks in two work packages.

On 23-24 of January 2020 the last meeting summarizing VULKANO project took place in Celje, Slovenia. The meeting was hosted by partners from Slovenia - BOSIO and VALJI. Participants of the meeting presented results of all activities planned for over 3 years of the project. Activities of the Institute of Power Engineering were discussed in details by the team performing tasks in two work packages.

On the first day the last General Assembly meeting took place, during which all WP leaders summed up activities in their work packages. Project partners were joined by a delegation from the European Commission - project officer and technical officer. On the same day the visit to Valji demonstration plant was organized where the project demonstration installation was presented. During the second day Review Meeting and Presentation Event were held with the participation of industry representatives interested in project results.

VULKANO is the project funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 program. The main goal of VULKANO was to modernize industrial furnaces used in three energy-intensive sectors (steel, ceramics and aluminum) with a huge number of potential users in Europe. Project activities were positively assessed by representatives of the European Commission and summarized in the film, which is available on project website: http://www.vulkano-h2020.eu/