On 16-17th of November 2017 the Xth Anniversary Conference "Repairs and Maintenance of the Movement in Energy" took place in Lichen. The Director of ITC IEn Jacek Karczewski was honored with the title and statuette of "Editors' Friend".

tl_files/zdjecia/Aktualnosci 2017/2017-11-29 Konferencja w Licheniu/Statuetka.jpgOn 16-17th of November 2017 the Xth Anniversary Conference "Repairs and Maintenance of the Movement in Energy" took place in Lichen.

The conference gathered a large group of representatives of energy companies, maintenance services, scientists and companies providing services to the power industry. Since the first conference, the Institute of Power Engineering's Department of Thermal Technology "ITC" in Łódź, has been the scientific patron of the conference. The Director of ITC IEn Jacek Karczewski was honored with the title and statuette of "Editors' Friend", which was granted during the Conference. A new Editors' Friend led an introductory panel to this conference: "Let's diagnose the problem - diagnostics and predictive analysis"

More information: http://www.kierunekenergetyka.pl/