During the official gala held on the 15th of November 2018 in Brussels, as part of the annual meeting of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU), prizes were awarded to three young scientists conducting research related to the development and implementation of hydrogen technologies. The pan-European competition highlighted researchers involved in the use of fuel cells andelectrolysers in power engineering (Energy Pillar), transport (Transport Pillar) and interdisciplinary research and legislative work (Cross-cutting Pillar). Jakub Kupecki (PhD), head of the Department of Hightemperature Electrochemical Processes (HiTEP) of the Institute of Power Engineering received an award in the area of energy.

During the official gala held on the 15th of November 2018 in Brussels, as part of the annual meeting of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU), prizes were awarded to three young scientists conducting research related to the development and implementation of hydrogen technologies. The pan-European competition highlighted researchers involved in the use of fuel cells andelectrolysers in power engineering (Energy Pillar), transport (Transport Pillar) and interdisciplinary research and legislative work (Cross-cutting Pillar). Jakub Kupecki (PhD), head of the Department of Hightemperature Electrochemical Processes (HiTEP) of the Institute of Power Engineering received an award in the area of energy.

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More information: https://hydrogeneurope.eu/index.php/news/winners-her-young-scientist-awards-2018