CEREL is a unit located in Boguchwala, near Rzeszow. CEREL conducts R&D works in the field of ceramic materials and is engaged in manufacturing of unique ceramic products used in the following sectors: power sector, automotive industry, wood industry, metallurgy, chemistry, aviation. The Branch specializes in precision machined alumina and zirconium elements of machines and devices.

CEREL has been recently engaged in advanced research works concerning SOFCs (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells) and oxide membranes. CEREL is also involved in use of perovskites materials in manufacturing of oxide membranes with ink-jet printing method.

Ceramic Branch is divided into two units:  

1. Ceramic Engineering Plant composed of: Laboratory of Testing Raw and Ceramic Materials as well as Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Material Laboratory.

2. Prototype Department including Mechanical Workshop and Technological–Constructional Workroom.

The head of the Branch: Marek Grabowy (PhD)


Instiute of Power Engineering
Ceramic Branch CEREL

1 Techniczna Street

 36-040 Boguchwała

tel. +48 17 87 11 700

More information is available on the Branch website: http://www.cerel.eu/