The Environmental Impact and Overvoltage Protection Laboratory (EOS) provides R&D and expertise works connected with the environmental impact of electrical devices and diagnostic measurements of surge arresters.

The Laboratory performs research connected with electromagnetic field (EMF) and acoustics, provides analyses, expertise and consulting services in the field of surge protection and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).

The Laboratory conducts diagnostic tests of surge arresters, measurements of electromagnetic field strength in environment and workplaces, measurements of noise level in buildings and in the environment of devices that generate noise (the reference method in the environment) as well as the sound power level of noise generating devices. The majority of research work is conducted off-site.

The Laboratory develops reports and prediction of the environmental impact of power and telecommunication systems and devices. It provides technical expertise concerning the buildings localisation in the vicinity of electric power objects, the selection of surge arresters and certification of its technical characteristics.

The Environmental Impact and Overvoltage Protection Laboratory meets requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2001 standard and has been accredited by Polish Centre for Accreditation since December 1st, 1999 (Accreditation No AB 252) in the following areas:

noise measurements – environmental samples,
research on environmental engineering - environmental samples (electromagnetic field, work environment, environment in general).

The Laboratory staff consists of qualified and experienced scientists and technicians.

The head of the section is Hubert Śmietanka, M. Sc