On the 23rd of November 2017 there was organized the 4th Medial International Scientific Conference on "Decisions in situations of endangerment". Its aim was the presentation and discussion of research results focused on decision making in uncertainty and/or danger terms, terrorism and cultural threats, technical, personal and other aspects. During the conference, Hanna Bartoszewicz Burczy (PhD, IEn's Energy Economics Laboratory) delivered the presentation entitled: Evaluation of costs of interruptions in energy supply and their impact on the power system, economy and society in Poland.

On the 23rd of November 2017 there was organized the 4th Medial International Scientific Conference on "Decisions in situations of endangerment". Its aim was the presentation and discussion of research results focused on decision making in uncertainty and/or danger terms, terrorism and cultural threats, technical, personal and other aspects. During the conference, Hanna Bartoszewicz Burczy (PhD, IEn's Energy Economics Laboratory) delivered the presentation entitled: Evaluation of costs of interruptions in energy supply and their impact on the power system, economy and society in Poland.

The main organizer of the conference was the General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław. The Institute of Power Engineering was one of co-organizers of the conference, and among the members of the Organizing Committee were Tomasz Gałka (PhD), IEn's director and prof. Jacek Wańkowicz, Director's Scientific Advisor. The conference was conducted using the video conference system and one of the conference rooms was situated in IEn Mory Branch.