On the 16th of February 2018 in the Ministry of Energy in Warsaw, there was signed the cooperation agreement of six research institutes from fuel and energy sector supervised by the Minister of Energy. Participants of the agreement are the Central Mining Institute (Katowice), the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal (Zabrze), the Oil and Gas Institute - PIB (Cracow), KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology (Gliwice), the POLTEGOR Opole Mining Institute (Wrocław) and the Institute of Power Engineering (Warsaw). Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski and Deputy Minister Grzegorz Tobiszowski participated in the ceremony of signing the agreement. It was signed by the director of the Institute of Power Engineering, Tomasz Gałka.

On the 16th of February 2018 in the Ministry of Energy in Warsaw, there was signed the cooperation agreement of six research institutes from fuel and energy sector supervised by the Minister of Energy. Participants of the agreement are the Central Mining Institute (Katowice), the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal (Zabrze), the Oil and Gas Institute - PIB (Cracow), KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology (Gliwice), the POLTEGOR Opole Mining Institute (Wrocław) and the Institute of Power Engineering (Warsaw). Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski and Deputy Minister Grzegorz Tobiszowski participated in the ceremony of signing the agreement. It was signed by the director of the Institute of Power Engineering, Tomasz Gałka.

The aim of the agreement is to intensify the cooperation between research institutes under the supervision of the Minister of Energy, among others to ensure Poland's energy security, increase innovation and competitiveness of Polish fuel and energy sector, better use of domestic fossil fuel resources, as well as improve methods of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.