In the latest issue of the magazine Przegląd Elektrotechniczny an article entitled Review of current research trends in stochastic methods of simulations of electrical discharges was published which was co-authored by an employee of the High Voltage Department Msc Michał Molas.

In the latest issue of the magazine Przegląd Elektrotechniczny an article entitled Review of current research trends in stochastic methods of simulations of electrical discharges was published which was co-authored by an employee of the High Voltage Department Msc Michał Molas.

Present publication contains review of current research in stochastic methods of numerical simulations of electrical discharges published in leading technological journals in recent years. Aim of the presented state-of-the-art research in modelling of electrical discharges is determining course of further research in simulations of electrical discharges, especially in range of fundamental research crucial for further development of protection systems of power lines and equipment.

Molas M., Szewczyk M., Review of current research trends in stochastic methods of simulations of electrical discharges, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2022, 0033-2097, 98, 2022-10, 275-279