The Nernst Award recognizes Polish researchers who contribute to the development of electrochemical processes in the area of basic research, application and technical achievements. The recipients of 2020 Nernst Awards were announced in November 2020.

The Nernst Award recognizes Polish researchers who contribute to the development of electrochemical processes in the area of basic research, application and technical achievements. The recipients of 2020 Nernst Awards were announced in November 2020 and the winners are:

1. Dr. Sebastian Molin (Gdansk University of Technology) for Scientific Achievement
2. Dr. Anna Olszewska (AGH University of Science and Technology) for Technical Achievement
3. Dr. Łukasz Szabłowski (Warsaw University of Technology) for Practical Achievement
Congratulations to the winners!
Prof. Walther Hermann Nernst was a German chemist born in the area of Poland known for his work in thermodynamics, physical chemistry, electrochemistry, and solid state physics. His formulation of the Nernst heat theorem helped pave the way for the third law of thermodynamics, for which he won the 1920 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He is also known for developing the Nernst equation in 1887.
Event took place on November 18th during the 7th Conference on New Business Models in Power Industry!
More about the award:
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