
  1. Institut Fuer Solare Energieversorgungstechnik E.V., Verein An Der Universitat Kassel E. V., Niemcy
  2. Korona D.D., Słowenia
  3. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Polska
  4. Zukunftsagentur Brandenburg, Niemcy
  5. Consorzio Catania Ricerche, Włochy
  6. Instytut Energetyki, Polska
  7. IPA Automation Engineering, Romania
  8. Lietuvos Energetikos Institutas (Lithuanian Energy Institute), Litwa
  9. Ente Vasco de la Energia, Hiszpania
  10. Finance Centre for Eco-Intelligence Management, Hiszpania
  11. Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias S.A., Hiszpania


According to the EU innovation and energy policies a comprehensive network for a better understanding between energy enterprises and institutions and financial agents will be designed and developed based on the following criteria:
- Collaboration to update the financial services to the energy sector innovation needs.
- Provide practical and efficient solution to facilitate innovation agents in the energy sector the access to financial services.

The main objectives of this project are:
- Improving the access of entrepreneurs (energy technologies) to financial services.
- Promoting the collaboration between innovation agents and the financial service providers.

The project scope includes:
- Establishment of a stable collaboration EU innovation financing network for energy projects. The members of this Group would be enterprises, scientific institutions, universities, energy agencies, private and public financial institutions.
- Identification and analysis sector characteristics in relation to innovation financing and establish European map linking needs of sectors and funding sources.
- Develop methodologies, tools, guidance materials and procedures to improve the access of energy research players to innovation financing.
- Workshops and roundtables organisation to identify relevant issues and receive feedback from the market agents.
- IT infrastructure development to support the designed methodologies, tools and procedures.
- Co-ordination with other relevant EU initiatives: Gate2Growth and PAXIS.
- Elaborate policy and operative recommendations to the EU innovation policy.

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