With deep regret and sadness we inform that Mrs Iwona Łyczkowska - Lizer passed away on 23.07.2024.

Mrs Iwona Łyczkowska - Lizer worked at the Institute of Power Engineering for 39 years. She started her professional career in the Planning and Coordination Department, and from 1994 to 2002 she worked as the Institute's chief accountant. On 01.05.2002, she was appointed to the Institute's Management Board, where she served as the Director's Representative for Economic and Financial Affairs and then as Deputy Director for Economic Affairs. She was responsible for the supervision and coordination and all matters related to the economic and organisational side of the Institute's activities.

Mrs Iwona Łyczkowska - Lizer was responsible for the Institute's financial policy, effectively supervising the Institute's finances and management of its assets.

She was very dedicated to her work, consistent in her actions aimed at the good of the Institute and its employees, always guided by high ethical standards Always helpful, offering good advice, committed to building good relations between employees, modest and kind to all people and always standing on the side of the employee. With her attitude, the Director always showed that every employee counts in our organisation. She was an outstanding mediator and conciliator in the most difficult cases, always able to find a fair solution and a way out of a stalemate situation. She enjoyed great trust and respect among the entire staff of the Institute of Power Engineering.

Mrs Iwona Łyczkowska - Lizer was sensitive to the injustice of animals and supported many foundations that care for abandoned horses, dogs and cats.

The unexpected passing of Mrs Łyczkowska - Lizer is a great loss to our community. In her person we bid farewell to a distinguished long-serving employee and friend of the Institute.