• Call Id:
    POIS, 1.3.1. Oś priorytetowa I. Zmniejszenie emisyjności gospodarki, Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020
  • Project No:
  • Coordinator:
    Instytut Energetyki
  • Duration:
    2019-06-28 - 2020-06-27


Instytut Energetyki


tl_files/zdjecia/Projekty/PIOS-Logotypy.jpgProject co-financed by the European Union from the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020
Project no .: POIS.01.03.01-00-0084 / 17
Project value: 3 631 426.24 PLN
Contribution of European Funds: 2 210 812.29 PLN

The project concerns a comprehensive deep thermo-modernization of the building of the Institute of Power Engineering (IEn) in Warsaw. The Project implementation is aimed at solving the problem of low energy efficiency of the building covered by the Project. Currently, the operation of the building is associated with excessive energy consumption, and consequently with the emission of harmful substances into the environment.

The objectives that will be implemented under the Project include increasing the energy efficiency of the building of the Institute of Power Engineering in Warsaw as well as:
- reducing operating costs of the Institute's building, thanks to electricity and heat saving;
- reducing final and primary energy consumption needed to heat the Institute's infrastructure;
- increasing air cleanliness in the building's surroundings, through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
- improving the quality of public infrastructure - improving the comfort of work and staying in the building.

The project will contribute to the main objective of the I [&] E OP - Support for a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly economy that fosters territorial and social cohesion, and in particular to achieve the thematic objective 4: Supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy in all sectors.

The immediate effect of the Project implementation will be the reduction of final energy consumption.
The project assumes achieving the indicators provided for in sub-measure 1.3.1, such as:
- Annual decrease in greenhouse gas emissions
- Reduction of annual primary energy consumption
- Reduction of final energy consumption
- Electricity saving
- Heat energy saving
- Additional ability to generate energy from renewable sources
- Increase in the number of modernized heat sources
- Increasing the number of energetically modernized buildings
- Population of usable area of buildings subjected to thermo-modernization

The project is planned for 2019-2020.