What is the Environmental Protection Testing Laboratory?

The Environmental Protection Testing Laboratory is a laboratory providing services in the field of testing harmful and arduous factors at workplaces. Since February 2004, it has held accreditation certificate No. AB 458 of the Polish Centre for Accreditation - registration card.

Services provided under the accreditation are performed by the laboratory for the purpose of conformity assessment in legally regulated areas throughout the country.

What does the Environmental Protection Testing Laboratory do?

The laboratory performs tests and measurements in production facilities of any industry, educational and medical departments, offices or service companies throughout the country.

Tests covered by the scope of accreditation:

  1. Measurements of factors harmful to health at workplaces:
  • noise - measurements of parameters characterising audible noise;
  • vibrations - measurements of parameters characterising mechanical vibrations of general impact on human body and impact through upper limbs;
  • lighting - measurements of the parameters characterising the intensity of electric lighting in interiors with determination of uniformity;
  • temperate, cold and hot microclimates - measurements of thermal environment parameters;
  • industrial dusts with determination of the concentration of the inhalable and respirable fraction by gravimetry;
  • organic substances and metals - air sampling together with elaboration of measurement results;
  • carbon monoxide concentration - measurements by electrochemical method.

Studies, expert opinions, consultations and audits not covered by the accreditation system and scope:

  1. estimation of energy expenditure of workers at work - tabulated method

  2. assessment of the external load on the musculoskeletal system of workers using the OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System) method - point assessment of the worker's posture and the risk associated with the position adopted during work and the load

  3. spectral analysis of audible noise together with the selection of hearing protectors

  4. emergency and escape lighting measurements - illuminance measurements with uniformity determination

  5. outdoor lighting measurements - illuminance measurements including determination of uniformity

  6. consultation in the selection of optimal methods of reducing harmful factors at workstations

  7. consulting on solutions leading to improved illumination of workstations

  8. analysis of the influence of the work environment on the musculoskeletal system of employees

  9. measurement of noise emissions into the general environment from installations, equipment and industrial plants.

Why should you choose our services?

Our reports are characterised by their own graphic design, characterised by the clarity of the presented results.

Thanks to the use of self-developed forms, we are flexible in the information we include in the report, which, at the request of our clients, may include:

  • reference of the results to the applicable standards and regulations
  • evaluation of the conformity of the result
  • opinions and interpretations concerning the measured range and the tests performed (opinions and interpretations are not included in the scope of accreditation).

Contact us

Environmental Protection Testing Laboratory

8 Wilcza St.

26-610 Radom

Head of the Laboratory

Bartłomiej Sobczak, Eng., MSc.

mobile: +48 601 455 160