What is the Automation, Overvoltage Protection and Environment Department?

The Automation, Overvoltage Protection and Environment Department was established as a result of the merger of the existing laboratories into a newly established billing unit on 1.05.2024:

  • Laboratory of Automation and Protection (EAZ)
  • Laboratory of Environmental Impacts and Overvoltage Protection (EOS).

The Department of Automation, Surge Protection and Environment specializes in conducting research and development work, as well as performing tests, measurements and expert opinions on electrical power equipment.

What does the Automation, Overvoltage Protection and Environment Department do?

As part of our laboratory offerings, we conduct, among other things:

A. Our laboratory offerings include:

  • activities in the field of electrical power protection automation systems including:
  • testing of new structures of protection devices,
  • development of new concepts of application of microprocessor technology for the purposes of protection automation, development and implementation for production of equipment for testing and control of protection automation,
  • development, design and short-run production of non-standard protection and test equipment for electric power protection automation,
  • laboratory and operational testing of protections,
  • analyses and expert opinions approving power protection automation equipment for use in the power industry

B. in the field of environmental protection:

  • studies of electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of electrical power installations for the protection of people and the environment in the general and working environment
  • studies of industrial noise from installationsenvironmental analyses related to the impact of electromagnetic fields and noise, related to the location and use of buildings and electric power facilities

C. in the field of overvoltage protection:

  • tests of surge arresters in the laboratory and installed on the network, both under mains voltage and with an external power source
  • analysis of the properties of arresters, including post-fault.In terms of other tests,

D. it also performs tests of incomplete discharges by acoustic methods, thermal imaging tests, tests of electrical parameters of HV lines, tests of acoustic power of electric power equipment and related equipment.In addition, the EDA Department performs research and development work and expert opinions for the power sector and other institutions, related to the impact of electric power, industrial and other equipment.

The staff of the laboratory participates in standardization and legislative work, as well as in the statutory activities of the Power Engineering Institute.

General conditions for the implementation of the EAO services

Why should you choose our services?

The Department has an accredited laboratory - Laboratory of Environmental Impacts and Surge Protection, which meets the requirements of PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025 and has been accredited by the Polish Accreditation Center since 1.12.1999 in the area listed in the scope of accreditation (accreditation number AB 252).

Contact us

Automation, Overvoltage Protection
and Environment Department

8 Mory St.

01-330 Warsaw

Laboratory of Environmental Impacts and Overvoltage Protection

Krzysztof Kalwasiński

mobile.: 797 905 260

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Laboratory of Automation and Protection

Grzegorz Kubiak

mobile.: 504 214 044

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