Mechanical Testing Laboratory

Charpy impact test - Impact testing up to 300 J in the range of ambient temperature, elevated temperature to 300°C or reduced temperature to -70°C.

Basic apparatus:

Instrumented impact hammer INSTRON-WOLPERT PW30/15 with equipment and software.

Hardness measurements - Measurements of hardness of metals in the range of Vickers scale from HV1 to HV30.

Basic apparatus:

ZWICK 3212 hardness tester with equipment and software, Krautkramer portable hardness testers.

Tensile testing of metals - Tensile testing of metals up to 250 kN in the temperature range (23 - 700)°C with determination of:

  • yield strength,
  • tensile strength,
  • elongation,
  • constriction,
  • modulus of elasticity.

Basic apparatus:

  • Dynamic testing machine INSTRON 8502 (250 kN),
  • Static testing machine ZWICK 7414 (100 kN).

Laboratory of Stress Measurements

Tests by methods of resistance strain gauging - tests of deformations (stresses) in elements under load, tests of technological and assembly intrinsic stresses in equipment elements before or after installation.

Stress measurements by electrical resistive strain gauging - Stress tests on the surface of materials in the temperature range of 5°C - 50°C

Basic apparatus:

  • Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik measuring amplifier, Scout 55
  • Electronic measuring system Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, Spider 8

Measurement of residual stresses by electrical resistive strain gauging - Tests of self-stress close to the surface of the material.

Basic apparatus:

  • Vishay Measurement precision drilling kit, RS 200
  • Vishay Measurement strain gauge, Model P3

Metallographic Research Laboratory

Structural testing by light and scanning microscopy - non-destructive metallographic testing by replica method performed directly on the equipment using the methodology developed in the Department, as well as metallographic testing on collected samples.

Metallographic testing - Metallographic studies of macrostructure, microstructure (including replica technique).

Basic apparatus:

  • Optical metallographic microscopes and scanning microscope with equipment.

Laboratory of creep tests

Determination of Tz and Rz at temperatures up to 750°C.

Basic apparatus

  • Modernized creep testers type ZST and ZSE with equipment (18 stations).