What is the Systems Analysis Division?

The Systems Analysis Division operates within the Department of Automation and Systems Analysis.The division has extensive experience in model studies of all aspects of power system operation together with the automation systems within it.

What does the Systems Analysis Division do?

It carries out analytical work on the study and assessment of the stability of power systems of selected areas of the power system, as well as entire synchronously connected areas (for example, the continental European area - ENTSO-E CE) defining, among other things, the requirements for extending this area to other countries. The team also offers support to design offices in the selection of equipment on new and upgraded (existing) facilities. An example of the scope of work may include the selection or verification of transformer parameters (rated power, transmission, range of controllability), cross-section of working/return conductors of HV or MV cables in the internal installation of the facility to be connected, equipment (design variant) of the wind power plant, reactive power compensation devices or protection settings. The team selects or verifies the settings of voltage regulators (AVR) and system stabilisers (PSS) of synchronous generators. This work is carried out using licensed specialist simulation tools.

Rezultat badań symulacyjnych mapa sieci SN z oznaczonym kolorami czasem trwania przerwy w dostawach energii SAIDI

Result of simulation studies - map of MV network with colour-coded duration of energy supply interruption (SAIDI)

Find out more

Contact us

Systems Analysis Division |
Department of Automation and Systems Analysis 

27 Mikołaja Reja St.

80-870 Gdańsk


Head of the Department 

Mariusz Mazur

+48 58 349 81 21

Head of the Division

Andrzej Kąkol