The Certificate of Conformity according to the Type 1a certification programme (according to PN-EN ISO/IEC 17067:2014-01) is issued as a result of a successfully completed certification process, during which the product properties are confirmed by type testing.

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The Certificate of Conformity according to the Type 3 certification programme (according to PN-EN ISO/IEC 17067:2014-01) is issued as a result of a successfully completed certification process, which includes:

  • confirmation of product properties by type testing, and
  • periodic testing of the product taken from the factory together with assessment of its manufacturing process.

Only tests carried out in laboratories accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation and other accreditation bodies are included in the certification process:

or laboratories in which tests were performed under the supervision of substantive employees of the certifying body IEN-PIB or other - EA, IAF (e.g. lack of laboratories accredited in a relevant scope, approval by subject standards of tests in a factory laboratory).

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Since 2009, Technical Evaluations of products intended for the domestic power industry and units cooperating with it have been issued in the form of IEN-PIB Certificates, replacing the Certificates and Approvals issued so far, under the authority granted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Department of Fuels and Energy, in letter No. DE-3/10/3494/94 of 24.10.1994 and upheld in letter No. DIN-IV-077-1-HM/04 of 10.05.2004 from the Ministry of Economy and Labour, Department of Innovation.


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